Rowan School
All the children admitted to Rowan School have a Education Health Care Plan that describes a severe or complex communication difficulty such as autistic spectrum disorder.
A Local Authority panel decides whether or not pupils needs can be best met at Rowan School and parents/carers should contact Sheffield Special Educational Needs department for further details.
Where appropriate, after considering advice from parents /carers and professionals, the City Council's Special Educational Needs Department, will offer a child a placement at Rowan and name the school in the child's Education Health care plan, if appropriate.
Whether your child has already been allocated a place at Rowan, or you are still considering where is best for your child, you are very welcome to visit so that you can see the school, meet the staff and discuss your child's needs.​ Appointments can be booked via the school website.
For further information of the process parents and carers need to follow if they want to apply for their child to attend Rowan School please contact the Local Authority Special Educational Needs section on 0114 205 2856.
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