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The children are expected to be dressed comfortably and tidily in appropriate clothes and shoes that they can manage themselves. Clothes should be marked clearly with the child's name, especially outdoor clothes such as coats and wellingtons. Children need a towel and costume for swimming and parents will be notified of swimming dates and times. 


Some of our play areas do become quite muddy and it is helpful
if children can have some waterproofs and a pair of wellington boots that we can keep in school. 

Rowan School Uniform


We are pleased to inform you that parents/carers can now order Rowan School

T-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts and fleeces in Bottle Green or Black from Logo Leisurewear – see link below


This is entirely optional and we do not expect parents to buy school uniform but it is available to all who would like to order items.  Any uniform ordered can be sent to your home address (P&P is an extra cost) or items can be ordered to be sent to school (at no extra cost).

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