Rowan School
Governing Body
School governors are like a board of directors who have the responsibility of managing the school in accordance with national legislation, local requirements, and the wishes and needs of the parents/carers of the children at the school. They meet at least once a term and parents are welcome to come along and listen to what goes on.
School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They have the duty to know what is going on in school and they regularly check and contribute to policies and monitor curriculum areas. Sometimes people attend meetings as associate governors or to deliver reports to governors but only members of the governing body have voting rights.
Governors are appointed to help decide what is taught set standards of behaviour interview and elect staff monitor how the school budget is spent.
School governors are parents, staff from the school, local council representatives, community representatives, and business people.
Declaration of business and personal interests 2021-22
Structure & Responsibilities of the Governing Body
Governors of Rowan School 2023-24
Chair of Governors: Paul Sharpe (Safeguarding)
Vice Chair of Governors: Dyane Spencer
Head Teacher: Carla Ribeiro
Deputy Head Teacher : Zoe Poonawala
Staff Representative: Jane Elston
Parent Governor: Vacancy
Parent Governor: Lucy Birch
Parent Governor: Carmel Breffit
Parent Governor: Sreedevi Patil
Observer who may deputise for the head teacher: Zoe Poonawala
Co-opted Governor: Alan Dury
Co-opted Governor: Vacancy
Co-opted Governor: Christina Stark
Co-opted Governor: Grace Hallam
Co-opted Governor: Garth Nevin
Local Authority Governor: Paul Sharpe