Rowan School
We have 99 children in 12 classes. A teacher and a minimum of two teaching and learning assistant staff each class. Additional teaching and learning assistants are allocated to classes according to need, with higher staffing ratios in classes with children with more complex needs.
At Rowan School we provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced and relevant. It is a bespoke curriculum developed in partnership with governors, parents/carers and other professionals.
We place high emphasis on multi-sensory approaches and outdoor learning.

The school is staffed to allow daily opportunities for small group and individual teaching.
We teach cross curricular topics covering the same subjects as that of mainstream schools and including English, maths, science, design technology, information communication technology, music, art and design, history, geography, a modern foreign language (Spanish), RE and PE.
Central to our whole curriculum is an emphasis on developing the skills our children find most difficult: communication, social interaction and independence.