Rowan School
Our curriculum
Rowan School welcomes a diverse cohort of children and takes pride in meeting a wide range of individual needs. Staff are proficient and committed to delivering child- centred education within the Rowan school community.
The staff team are dedicated in providing day – long learning, meaning that children are
supported throughout the day to learn life skills, communication strategies and develop their independence. Learning is not limited to time in the classroom. All staff have high expectations of the educational opportunities and experiences offered at Rowan.
Barriers to learning experienced by our children are well understood by the Rowan team, and the planned curriculum is designed to facilitate learning to enable children to reach their full potential.
The vision of the professionals at Rowan is to lay the foundations to prepare children for adulthood.
Rowan School follows a bespoke curriculum that has been developed in partnership with children, families, governors and other professionals. We provide a personalised curriculum that is broad, balanced and based on first hand experiences and is delivered through cross curricular topics developing skills and knowledge. The revised ‘Development Matters’ document and National Curriculum programmes of study alongside many aspects of the SCERTS model have been used to develop curriculum coverage and progression. Multi – sensory approach, outdoor learning and a communication rich environment are at the heart of everything that we do.
Rowan School is a primary special school for children in the age range of 4 – 11 years with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and speech, language and communication difficulties (SLCD). Each child’s learning journey is unique - therefore children follow a personalised pathway building on skills and knowledge. The pathways start with Roots children who are working within PS1,2 and 3, Branches children who are working within PS4, 5 and 6, Twigs children who are working within PS7, 8 and 9 and our Leaves pathway children who are working within Year 1, 2 and 3 of the National Curriculum programmes of study. In order to consolidate key skills, knowledge and independence we plan a three – year topic cycle.
Children’s learning is regularly assessed via a range of appropriate methods. These include observations, Educator and progress towards EHCP targets alongside input from a range of other professionals, e.g SALT as appropriate.
At the heart of all Rowan practitioners is the desire to provide all children with an engaging, exciting, enriched and aspirational learning journey which will lay excellent foundations for continued learning and adult life.
Every opportunity is taken to celebrate all our children’s progress in all areas of their development.