Rowan School
Our school
Rowan school is located on Durvale Court, just off Furniss Avenue in Dore. It is on an extremely pleasant site with playing fields and a small area of woodland. The school was built in 1976. We currently offer 99 places with children grouped into 12 classes.
Each classroom has access to outside play areas and includes a quiet room; where children can be taught individually or have calm time. There is a central multi purpose hall, a well equipped food technology room, a specially adapted sensory room; designed to promote calm, focused behaviour, a library and a nurture room.
At Rowan School o​​u​​​​r aims​ are for everyone to:​
feel safe and happy
h​ave high self esteem
celebrate the efforts and achievements of themselves and others
feel comfortable trying new experiences
have a sense of excitement, vision and purpose in their lives
learn and begin to p​​ut into practice values of healthy living
develop communication and social skills that access participation in their communities
develop independence
enjoy lifelong learning
achieve their full potential
make a positive contribution to society
appreciate and value differences​
We be​lieve success will be a​​chieved through:
being valued and respected for our individual qualities, capabilities and contributions
being encouraged to have a positive attitude to lifelong learning and to make progress towards and beyond agreed targets
offering high quality and carefully planned learning experiences to meet individual needs
having opportunities for shared learning and social activities with our peers both in and out of school
creating a safe, happy and supportive environment that promote respect and understanding of other races religions and lifestyles, and encourages sensitivity to the needs of others to nurture all
working co-operatively and in partnership with parents and carers, professionals and others in the wider community
furthering the process of inclusion wherever appropriate and
acknowledging and celebrating effort and achievement