Rowan School
Your child's progress
Children's progress is assessed using small steps. Parents and carers are given a visual profile of their child's achievement and progress each year and are able to discuss this with staff.
Each child has a Communication Passport which outlines key areas for pupil development and sets SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time related) targets. These Communication Passports are updated each term and a copy is sent home.

Each pupil has an Education Health Care Plan. This has to be formally reviewed at least once each year, to see how the child has progressed and to check whether the document is still appropriate or needs to be changed in some way.
This Annual Review involves the views and comments of parents and carers as well as school staff, speech and language therapists, and possibly doctors and psychologists who have worked with the child.
The children also contribute to their review in a range of ways appropriate to their abilities to do so. Before the review meeting, which is normally held at school, reports are drawn up and made available for discussion. Parents and carers are invited to annual reviews and fully consulted and involved in all planning and decisions.
Performance Tables for The Rowan School can be accessed by clicking here
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